Recent Research Projects:
Current research primarily focuses on using elemental sulfur to develop polymers that have unique optical properties. The unique optical properties include ultra-high refractive indices and transmission in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In addition to their intrinsic properties, these polymers are far cheaper to make than those currently in use for optical applications.
The development of novel polymer nanocomposites using thiol-coupling chemistry is another sulfur-based research focus area. Thiol-based polymers fabricated may find use in additive manufacturing, biological fiber mimics, and opto-electronic applications. Recent efforts have focused on incorporation of quantum dots for use in device displays. |
Polymers play an important role in society and the world around us. Their use even extends to STEM education. Unfortunately, several historically common polymer demonstrations produce materials that are harmful to the environment. Through Science Made Simple LLC, efforts are being made to introduce safer and greener STEM demonstrations and experiments. Current efforts focus on introducing alternatives to the common Borax Slime demonstration.
As a means to introduce fundamental chemistry concepts to youths and the public at large, Science Made Simple LLC has participated in numerous forums to discuss the fictitious existence of the element Vibranium. This comic-based element has been specifically used to introduce the Periodic Table to the public in fun and exciting ways. Multiple manuscripts have been published on this topic, to go along with several videos published at |
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